Edflex X Agap2 : discover our story

Agap2's goal was to build a digital offer to enrich existing systems. Edflex was part of this approach and launched the system through a launch party and a complete communication plan. The catalog deployed in less than two months on the intranet reached 70% of the first month's registration target on the first day.

About the context

Agap2 is a European engineering and business consultancy group specialising in industry. Their operational teams are mainly made up of engineers or technical experts.

The learning management team contacted Edflex in order to enhance their training systems, through a digital training package in particular, available upon request by employees.By doing this, more than 700 people logged on and were able to train themselves through the Edflex customized catalogue since its launch at the end ofJanuary 2020.The training topics that were aimed at learners include personal development and management, but also topic areas more specific to the agap2 group's work, such as engineering, IT and software.

What are the goals

Agap2 called upon Edflex to support them in setting up a digital training package within the organization in France.

The objective was for employees to have access to training courses nationwide at any time, in order to address the issue of consultants travelling between clients.To support them while on the job at their clients' offices, agap2 was also looking to make content available that was up-to date and concise.The Edflex customized training package has meant the training team at agap2 can be supported in the roll-out of their first digital training solution by relying on the expertise of our Customer Success Manager andLearning Curator teams (our instructional learning experts) for the implementation ofthe catalogue and search for trainingcontent.

Focusing on the launch

In addition to putting the catalogue together, the teams at Edflex and Agap2 took time to consider and work on the launch of the new learning method, with the aim of:

  • Raising interest among consultants from the very beginning,
  • Engaging learners and involving them in the project.

By sticking to 4 keys aspects in the marketing of the learning, here is what was achieved:

  • Adopting the right tone with the announcements: agap2 wanted to rely on Edflex's expertise and adopt an educational tone, while providing simple information about the solution.
  • Putting together a suitable communications strategy in which objectives had to be set, (number of log-on sin the 1st month...) target markets had to be identified, etc.
  • Finding the right tools to promote the training package: computer graphis, videos... carried out by Edflex.Finding the right dissemination channels: working together with Edflex, agap2 gathered consultants together during a launch evening in all of theirFrench offices. With the help of the managers and people in charge at agap2, but also the Edflex teams, the consultants were directly involved in this strategic project. As an extra, a marketing campaign was launched via e-mail, and within their internal newsletter.

Setting up a strategy

The dedicated Agap2 catalogue was rolled out with learners in less than 2 months, in order to support them from January 2020 onwards.

Alongside the compilation of the catalogue by our Learning Curators, a communications strategy was put forward by Edflex to sign al the launch of the training solution. In doing this, several strategic areas were targeted for the launch with:a face-to-face event in 2 cities at the same time, as well as digital and printed announcements through publication in their internal newsletter. agap2 therefore capitalised on their communications to acclimatize employees to their new training solution, directly accessible from within their Intranet.

Analysis of the results

The initial results have been very positive: 70% of the registration target set for the first month was reached in the first day.

Apart from being the answer to a real need as expressed by employees, this result can also be explained by the over all communications given during the launch.In the various reviews left by learners, several points emerged:For example, during the lockdown the training team decided they wanted to be supported by Edflex on the provision of a course and video resources, articles and podcasts about working from home.



Date of creation


Edflex customer




Responsable Formation France

“We chose to organize a launch party in all our agencies in France at the same time. It was a simple and friendly event that made it possible to unite employees around the training theme and to make them discover directly the richness of the platform and the ease of use. They then naturally wanted to discover more and 20% of employees connected the week after the launch!”


Learning Manager France

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