Corporate learning encompasses all development actions implemented by human resources around the learning of employees. Undergoing learning is crucial for the professional future of employees and, obviously, for the company as well. Acquiring skills and monitoring the validation of these skills allows employees to progress within the company and, most importantly, maintain their employability. For the company, this follows a positive logic, as the more skills evolve and adapt internally, the more competitive the company becomes, and the lower the internal turnover.
New training habits
Employees no longer wait for the professional training offered by their employer to train. They will directly meet their skills needs and find their answers on Google. Moreover, 67% of them have already used free access digital content to train independently.
Major challenges for corporate training
Attraction and retention of talent, employee engagement, the challenge in terms of employer brand is enormous. Vocational training has become a major competitive asset in the company's strategy.
Market your learning offer on your corporate blog
Content curation consists in bringing together value-added web content to make it available to those who need it. But if no one knows about its existence, this editorial strategy is a waste of time. Thus, to generate traffic on its training catalog, it is important for the company to distribute its content and to be involved in recurrent editorial animation. Communication on the training offer can be done on social media or the internal website.
The fisrt factor for employee engagement is providing content tailored to their profile and career.
Transformed employability
Continuous professional learning enhances employees' employability. The learning sector is currently expanding around artificial intelligence, and roles such as digital learning managers are emerging.
An awareness
Corporate learning serves not only a legal purpose. The professional learning reform has been an accelerator for raising awareness about learning issues. For companies, the learning journey of their employees has become a crucial aspect of employer branding.
A new learning
The concept of continuity in learning encourages learners to reconsider their learning habits and employers to rethink the pedagogical methods in place. Today, continuous learning in the corporate setting has brought about a new way of conceptualizing work: a learning environment where employees develop individually and collectively contribute to the growth of the company.
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