The challenges of the corporate learning

Corporate learning encompasses all development actions implemented by human resources around the learning of employees. Undergoing learning is crucial for the professional future of employees and, obviously, for the company as well. Acquiring skills and monitoring the validation of these skills allows employees to progress within the company and, most importantly, maintain their employability. For the company, this follows a positive logic, as the more skills evolve and adapt internally, the more competitive the company becomes, and the lower the internal turnover.

The place of training in companies

New training habits

Employees no longer wait for the professional training offered by their employer to train. They will directly meet their skills needs and find their answers on Google. Moreover, 67% of them have already used free access digital content to train independently.

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Major challenges for corporate training

Attraction and retention of talent, employee engagement, the challenge in terms of employer brand is enormous. Vocational training has become a major competitive asset in the company's strategy.

Market your learning offer on your corporate blog

Content curation consists in bringing together value-added web content to make it available to those who need it. But if no one knows about its existence, this editorial strategy is a waste of time. Thus, to generate traffic on its training catalog, it is important for the company to distribute its content and to be involved in recurrent editorial animation. Communication on the training offer can be done on social media or the internal website.

Effective corporate learning for employees relies on a learning plan directly linked to the needs of learners


The fisrt factor for employee engagement is providing content tailored to their profile and career.

Continuous corporate learning

Transformed employability

Continuous professional learning enhances employees' employability. The learning sector is currently expanding around artificial intelligence, and roles such as digital learning managers are emerging.

An awareness

Corporate learning serves not only a legal purpose. The professional learning reform has been an accelerator for raising awareness about learning issues. For companies, the learning journey of their employees has become a crucial aspect of employer branding.

A new learning

The concept of continuity in learning encourages learners to reconsider their learning habits and employers to rethink the pedagogical methods in place. Today, continuous learning in the corporate setting has brought about a new way of conceptualizing work: a learning environment where employees develop individually and collectively contribute to the growth of the company.


The most frequently asked questions

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What are the various types of learning?
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There are different types of in-house continuous learning to support skills development. The face-to-face method, which is the most well-known and classic, is appreciated for its convenience, especially during collaborative learning sessions. Digital learning, which has the advantage of instantly addressing learners' educational needs and sometimes being more suited to interactions, has become widely popular since the health crisis. Blended learning, which perfectly combines the strengths of the two previous pedagogical modalities as it combines face-to-face and distance learning. The challenge is to find the right balance. Informal learning is often unrecognized as learning by learners themselves; it is sometimes confused with information. However, in 2017, already 56% of internet users went to YouTube to learn something new. And this figure continues to rise!
Is professional learning mandatory for the employer?
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The retention of employees in employment is a crucial point of the vocational learning reform implemented by the Ministry of Labor. The Professional Future Law, dating back to 2018, compels employers to create a skills development plan to support employees in their career paths. The purpose of this plan is to assess the skills of collaborators to offer them the freedom to choose their learning path. The individual right to learning provides everyone with access to their personal learning account. It allows making requests for learning eligible for the personal learning account, and the funding of the learning is then taken into account. There are also individual learning leaves in place to be able to follow learning for a specified duration throughout one's career. Professional learning in the workplace concerns every employee. To implement their learning actions, employers have several options: some turn to learning organizations to develop pedagogical modules, while others offer customized in-house learning. It is important to note that an employee can undergo learning during working hours. The implementation of learning in the workplace ensures the retention of employees. Moreover, a learning project is an asset regardless of the industry involved, thanks to the professional qualification it provides.
What impact does learning have on an employee?
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Early on, the challenge of initial education prompted consideration of individuals' qualification levels. However, the decision to pursue a qualifying learning program doesn't determine one's entire future. Indeed, efforts are made to enable continuous learning throughout one's professional journey. This is why the company's approach to employee learning significantly influences their career development, making ongoing vocational learning highly sought after. As part of the corporate skills development plan, learning systems support initiatives for professional transitions, integration, return to work, skills assessments, and more. Employers can encourage employees to undertake specific learning they deem beneficial for skill acquisition. Professional learning encompasses both the hard skills essential for the job and soft skills, which are versatile abilities applicable in both professional and personal contexts. The company now plays a role, not mandatory but often anticipated by employees, in providing learning on personal development topics.
What are the challenges of corporate learning?
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Half of the workforce is projected to witness changes in their work environment by 2030, as per a Dell study on digital transformation. The continuous evolution of technology and contextual shifts, such as those caused by Covid-19, underscores the necessity of acquiring new skills to stay current in one's professional domain. Professional certifications from online courses are increasingly gaining recognition, underscoring their significance for recruiters. Consequently, learning employees becomes more than essential. By providing access to learning opportunities and offering qualification certificates, the company motivates employees to cultivate the internal skills required for both present and future success. Each employee's ability to acquire key knowledge and skills for personal development is crucial for their evolution within the company.
However, in recent times, employee learning needs have evolved, and corporate learning offerings have not always kept pace with these expectations. Nowadays, employees don't wait for internal learning courses scheduled a year in advance to find answers to their questions. Instead, they seek the technical knowledge they need on the internet. This learning approach, part of what's known as self-learning, is still insufficiently promoted in many companies. Furthermore, according to our study on the new needs of employees, 82% of employees state that they would engage in more frequent learning if encouraged by their employers...
Is self-learning effective?
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This form of learning, often complemented by short courses, holds the advantage of providing immediate responses to learners' demands. Employees, whether junior or experienced, are now more willing than ever to undergo self-learning to obtain professional certifications. Their learning preferences have evolved, aligning more closely with this approach. Consequently, they anticipate learning initiatives from their employers that align with these practices. For companies, structuring this remote learning also presents an opportunity to monitor the skills development of employees and identify needs in terms of specific themes.
There is a significant challenge in raising awareness among companies about the concept of a learning organization, where self-learning takes on its full meaning. Amidst well-crafted misinformation and erroneous content, embarking on self-learning can become a potential pitfall. Hence, supporting learners in their self-learning endeavors means ensuring its high quality and alignment with their expectations.
How to assess the quality level of a learning program?
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The quality of a learning program hinges on various factors. Firstly, clarity on learning objectives is crucial—what are the intended outcomes, and do they align with identified needs? Understanding the target audience is equally vital; the learning should cater to their specific needs and skill levels. Considering the company's overall learning culture is paramount; does the learning align with broader organizational goals and contribute to a continuous learning environment? Regular feedback and needs assessments ensure ongoing relevance. Additionally, guidance from the HR department in terms of career development advice is essential to help employees navigate their learning paths. In summary, a high-quality learning offer results from aligning objectives, understanding the audience, fostering a learning culture, and providing strategic guidance.
How to build the best learning offer?
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The initial step involves assessing the learners' needs to tailor all courses to their expectations. Whether it's 100% online, face-to-face with gamification, or blended learning, the options are extensive. However, alignment with your target audience is crucial; otherwise, your corporate learning risks becoming obsolete. Setting clear objectives within a learning project is equally vital for performance measurement. Through annual evaluation interviews and analysis of performance indicators, adjustments can be made to the learning offer. Learners' feedback on internal learning, skill acquisition, and future professional plans is invaluable. This discussion also provides a platform for exploring professional development or career changes. There are no inherently good or bad learning programs; inconclusive results indicate the need for adjustments to meet learners' expectations. Recognizing that no learning project is final, incorporating regular feedback into corporate learning ensures effective and ongoing refinement.

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