Edflex X Orange : discover our story

The main objective for the Orange Group was to be able to offer a learning catalogue bringing together the best content from the web for all of their learners, both in France and internationally.

About the context

Orange is one of the main telecommunications operators throughout the world, and the biggest French operator with 151,000 employees.

In March 2019, Orange's Business Services subsidiary wanted to roll out a pilot for use by its managers, who were running slightly short on time, with a catalogue of concise but relevant resources. Following on from this 6 month pilot, Orange Group called upon Edflex to build a catalogue for use with all of their employees.In their premium catalogue, Orange wanted to group together the following learning topic areas: Occupational skills, Company& CSR, Personal development, IT, andDigital, Innovation & Enterprise.

What are the goals

The main objective for the Orange Group was to be able to offer a learning catalogue bringing together the best content from the web for all of their learners, both in France and internationally.

Building upon the success of the pilot for use by managers who fit the ''in a hurry''and ''stressed out'' profile, Orange wants to roll out a catalogue with resources being adapted to the profile of each learner, and is relying on the Adaptive Learning developed by Edflex.The Edflex package also allows Orange's subsidiaries to enjoy the use of a dedicated, personalized catalogue in addition to the overall catalogue being rolled out within the group.

Setting up a strategy

The Edflex catalogue is incorporated into the learning platform Orange Learning, which allows all learners to gain access toit.

Significant work was done by both teams in preparation for the group roll-out in 2020in order to define learner profile characteristics and put in place a system ofAdaptive Learning: allowing learners to benefit from specifically approved content to suit their profiles. Finally, during the launch of the catalogue with the BusinessServices subsidiary, a conference was organized with Edflex, and communications work was initiated at the same time in order to involve and engage learners. A communications strategy is also anticipated for the group roll-out.

Analysis of the results

The personalized Edflex catalogue for theBusiness Services subsidiary during the pilot was recommended by the vast majority following a survey that was co-created with our team in order to gather feedback from learners (rating given of 4.6/5).

The points that came out of the survey are:

  • The easiness of use and access to the catalogue
  • The resources are specifically adapted to their needs (concise resources for managers, targeted topic areas...)
  • The innovative nature of the software.

The tool is being used daily by managers, the most requested categories among others being: Developing leadership,Communicating Effectively, and CoachPosture



Date of creation


Edflex customer



Jean-Charles FLEURY

Director for Innovation and Customer Care at Orange

“Use Edflex to develop your curiosity, your desire to learn, by going to discover selected content, adapted to skills. These are all the good reasons today to be curious and to find the best of digital technology with Edflex!”

Jean-Charles FLEURY

Innovation and Customer Culture Department

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