Technologies et outils

Everything you need to know about ChatGPT training

The rise of artificial intelligence is an unavoidable fact. For This Reason, Everything Collaborator, Trainee Gold Job Seeker Enrolled in Job center Has an interest in To be formed To these new tools to improve your profile. Indeed, all individuals who have direct or partial knowledge of AI are highly sought after on the job market.

One of Key Competencies is the mastery of the ChatGPT tool. A social and technological revolution, this conversational agent is taking up more and more space in businesses. To ensure its Professional Future On an individual basis or accompany the Skills Development Of employees, the Vocational Training My ChatGPT is becoming essential.

What is ChatGPT? Why is it essential? How can it accelerate the productivity of your employees and your business? All of your answers to these questions can be found on this page.


Questions sur les formations

What is ChatGPT?
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Is ChatGPT a chatbot or Chat agent Developed by the company OpenAI. It takes its name from its GPT architecture (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer). The main advantage of this technological tool is to allow a natural interaction between the user and the machine.

ChatGPT can adapt to various tasks within a company. For this reason, the Setting up training courses On this tool is essential in order to support its arrival within the various departments. Especially since each new version of the chatbot improves the performance of the tool and allows new use cases. Do trainings Regular is then the key for any company that wants to remain competitive.

Why is ChatGPT essential?
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If the deployment of a Training program about ChatGPT is important, because it is an essential technology. Two months after its publication on the internet, ChatGPT had already won over 100 million users.

This is explained by numerous specific advantages. First of all, it is about One of the most advanced linguistic models in the world. Its versatility in terms of uses allows it to be useful for businesses, regardless of their sector of activity or the size of the company. In addition, I am Accessible to all via a simple internet connection and can be quickly implemented by developers via an API offered by OpenAI.

How does ChatGPT increase productivity?
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Businesses can take advantage of the power of ChatGPT to improve productivity within the business. After Have benefited from training On the Tool for a While Number of Hours of Training, employees can use ChatGPT as a virtual assistant. The latter will make it possible to automate certain tasks with low added value and Maximizing productivity Of the employee.

Whether it's looking for information, looking for inspiration or support in carrying out technical tasks such as coding, ChatGPT is a powerful agent and always available for your employees. If they had the chance to Follow an adapted training, they therefore have the opportunity to make full use of its potential to reach the tasks assigned to them more quickly and significantly increase the company's ROI.

What is the best ChatGPT training program?
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All courses are different. It is therefore impossible to give a fixed curriculum for all training content related to ChatGPT. However, any employee who goes Complete Your Training On Edflex is in a position toAcquire Skills basic. He can then opt for additional modules to enrich his knowledge of the tool and move towards a Perfecting of its know-how.

Our courses Propose to understand how ChatGPT works, but also the associated risks. Participants in Training actions Will learn how to create good prompts for ChatGPT and how to work faster. Various Use Cases Are Treated as Part of the Training device And the Learners Will know how to best integrate this new tool into current business processes.

In other words, the educational content that makes up a ChatGPT training course is both relevant to supporting the Career Path Of the Learners in Them Providing a qualification Additional and for Develop the efficiency of the company.

What sectors can benefit from ChatGPT training?
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The use of the ChatGPT conversational agent is relevant in a large number of sectors of activity, as it is very versatile. For this reason, Acquire New Skills related to ChatGPT and Do a training Dedicated is useful for all employees.

In fact, the latter can be used as part of customer service to feed chatbots, instantly answer the most frequently asked questions and so Reduce workload human agents.

In finance, the computer tool is in a position toHelping customers To better understand the financial products offered to them, to provide information on interest rates or available investments.

An employee in the tourism sector, on the other hand, has every interest in Complete Your Training ChatGPT in order to use AI to answer customer questions about bookings or Provide detailed information On nearby cultural and natural sites.

We could also mention the fields of law, health, e-commerce, education or even human resources. As we can see, Access the ChatGPT training is a very relevant solution for improving performance in all sectors.

Do you need IT expertise to use ChatGPT?
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No, you don't have to be an IT or technology professional to benefit from the advantages of ChatGPT. On the contrary, since the conversational agent is able to communicate with humans in a natural way, Anyone can use it.

However, the Setting Up a Training Course is important to master the subtleties of the tool and to prevent certain risks. After completing a training course, employees will in particular be prepared for Achieve efficient prompts, Avoid the disclosure of strategic information Via the tool and will be able to Adapt the model to specific needs via the API.

Can a ChatGPT training be financed with a CPF?
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The Individual Right to Training Allows you to finance your training through the Personal training account (CPF) as long as it is eligible for this device. You Can Thus Acquire Professional titles Who are listed in National Directory of Professional Certifications. The best approach to do this is to contact the HR department, which will be able to advise you on training on a personal basis or as part of the corporate training.

Simplicité et qualité résument bien l’esprit de la formation chez Edflex. Suivre une formation sur la plateforme c’est bénéficier de contenus d’experts qui répondent à l’ensemble des besoins de formation des entreprises.

Nous avons construit notre modèle autour de l’Open Education. En d’autres termes, nous désirons rendre accessible la formation au plus grand nombre. De cette manière, les collaborateurs ont la capacité de monter en compétence tout au long de leur parcours professionnel pour que leur évolution professionnelle s’accorde avec leurs ambitions et les besoins de leur entreprise.

Formation digitale par nature, Edflex est aussi accessible n’importe où, n’importe quand. En effet, un simple accès à internet est suffisant pour se connecter au catalogue de formation. Vous pouvez alors profiter d’une formation ChatGPT afin d’acquérir des compétences incontournables sur un marché du travail bouleversé par les nouvelles technologies. 

L’offre de formation Edflex s’adapte à tous les besoins, car elle est fondée sur la curation de contenu. Nous sélectionnons pour vous les meilleurs contenus et vous proposons des articles de blog, des podcasts, des cours en ligne, mais aussi des vidéos qui vous permettent d’acquérir de réelles compétences professionnelles. 

Que vous désiriez suivre une formation complémentaire, obtenir des certifications professionnelles ou être accompagné pour une validation des acquis de l’expérience, Edflex est en mesure de vous proposer une solution adaptée à vos besoins et vos contraintes.

Exemples de contenus de formation

Carrying out a training course with Edflex means benefiting from accessing a vast library of digital content. A turnkey solution for training managers, it makes it possible to quickly set up ChatGPT training to promote employee performance. Here is a selection of three educational resources to start teaching on the Edflex digital platform:


How do you make effective prompts?


ChatGPT: The Virtual Assistant That Fascinates as Much as It Worries


How do you generate text for your product sheet?

Découvrez le catalogue complet

Connectez vos salariés avec les meilleurs contenus existants (vidéos, podcasts, articles, cours en ligne, événements…), dans plus de 230 thématiques.

Grâce à internet, la formation est devenue intuitive.

Edflex est une solution de formation en ligne accompagnant les entreprises dans la formation professionnelle continue de leurs collaborateurs. La diversité et la qualité des contenus pédagogiques de la plateforme sont idéales pour la formation des salariés et le développement de nouvelles compétences. 

Simple à intégrer à un processus de formation interne existant, Edflex offre aux collaborateurs la liberté de choisir leur manière d’apprendre. Ils peuvent alors profiter d’une formation ChatGPT qualitative, mais aussi utiliser notre solution pour se former et acquérir des compétences dans d’autres thématiques.

“The Edflex teams were very responsive in meeting our learning needs. In a record time of two weeks, they deployed their solution to allow all our teams to learn online on a topic that is current for us: franchise creation. The themes have diversified but the quality of the content curation done by their learning experts convinced us that we had chosen the best team to support us on this project.”

Group Human Capital Development Director

Etienne Ageneau

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