With Edflex, develop e-learning training reflexes within your organization and offer your employees educational content updated every day on a unique digital solution.
Access to the best content
Technology powered by experts
Integration into your ecosystem
Dedicated human support
More time
A saving of time in the search for training content and the ease of creating courses.
More flexibility
Instant access to e-learning resources in various formats (videos, podcasts, articles, etc.) to meet the new expectations of employees.
More expertise
A saving of time in the search for training content and the ease of creating courses.
Traditional training plan
Without Edflex ❌
Training plan with Edflex
With Edflex ✅
How can Edflex enrich training in your company?
Meet an Edflex member to determine if the solution meets the needs of your business during a telephone appointment, or go back to My Mooc to train yourself individually.
You too, make Edflex a learning reflex to update your company's skills and support you in the face of change.