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June 21, 2023

6 Reasons to Improve Your Work-Life Quality Through Learning

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Manon Cousin Glorieux

Manon Cousin Glorieux

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January 15, 2024

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How does learning improve the work-life quality of your company?

Work-life quality is a major issue for human resources teams in companies. It ensures the well-being of employees and thus, better productivity. To improve work-life quality, learning is a valuable ally. It serves to both prevent issues and drive real change in the company's operations. Let's focus on 6 ways to improve your work-life quality.

1. Skill Development

Good work-life quality involves constantly adapting employees' skills to the changing world of work. Continuous learning allows employees to feel more confident and competent in their work, which improves their well-being at work.

2. Motivation and Engagement

Motivation at work

Employees who have access to learning opportunities feel more valued and invested in their work, which can positively impact their motivation and productivity. A study by MIT and Harvard highlights that a happy employee is 31% more productive, 6 times less absent, 2 times less ill, and 9 times more loyal to their company.

3. Prevention of Psychosocial Risks

Work-life quality learning opportunities, such as those on stress management or prevention of psychosocial risks, can help prevent the onset of mental health issues in the company.

4. Adaptation to Change

The world of work is constantly evolving. Technological, organizational, or regulatory changes can cause stress and dissatisfaction if employees are unprepared. Learning can help manage these changes and address issues related to work-life quality.

5. Management of Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal Relationships

Learning can also help improve communication and conflict management within the team, which can create a healthier work environment and have a positive impact on work-life quality.

6. Sense of Purpose

By helping employees better understand their role, the company's vision, and mission, learning can contribute to giving everyone's work a sense of purpose. This is an increasingly common issue in companies as employees are continually in search of meaning at work.

At Edflex, we support our clients in addressing their work-life quality challenges by providing them with learning resources tailored to their needs.Learning can address many work-life quality challenges. There are several possible ways to educate your employees on issues related to work-life quality, but the goal remains the same: make their environment more productive to enhance their employability and the company's competitiveness.

Manon Cousin Glorieux

Manon Cousin Glorieux


Content Manager

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Passionate about writing since always, I found at Edflex the ideal environment to put my creativity at the service of your needs! Find me in the monthly newsletter for a summary of best practices on online learning.


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