learning session

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January 26, 2024

Learning session: 4 steps to boost it effectively

Offer a memorable learning session to learners by following four essential steps to optimize your learning process.

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One of the main challenges of vocational learning is to succeed in maintaining learners' motivation and engagement throughout the learning course. The participants may in fact be of different ages or have diverse educational preferences. For all these reasons, it is necessary to deploy an appropriate method in order to capturing attention and transmit the expected professional skills in an optimal way.

To help you create a dynamic learning session, we present to you 4 essential steps. These will allow you to reach the educational objectives set beforehand in a fluid manner while increasing the satisfaction of participants.

Session de formation

The 4 steps for a lively and successful learning session

Design and conduct learning sessions is a complex thing. Even experienced and with the best will in the world, the trainer should strive to combining quality of educational content and energy in order to engage learners.

By following a few essential steps and applying best practices, you can nonetheless deploy memorable learning sequences. Dynamic and relevant, these sessions promote effective learning of technical skills and behavioral, because the participants are involved and delighted with the course of the learning.

1. Design personalized and innovative sessions

To offer the participants of a learning session a qualitative experience, you must act beforehand. The preparation phase is then crucial. to effectively boost this session.

Identify the needs of participants

Dynamiser sa formation

One of the first criteria for successful training sequences is the personalization. Each learner is different, so it is necessary to take this element into account in order to improve the relevance of vocational learning. Ask yourself what are expectations, the initial level and pedagogical preferences of the participants.

Meeting learners' expectations

By having a deep understanding of the desires and expectations of learners, you can then making the right choices when designing learning and various sessions. Depending on the requirements of the company and the needs of the participants, you can in particular opt for different innovative approaches to training. For example, we can cite the distance education or the Gamification that are acclaimed by different types of learners.

Check everyone's level in advance

It is also recommended to inquire in advance on the level of theoretical learning, but especially on the actual level of participants. You can provide educational and technical tools to set up these evaluations. They will be used for appreciate the skill level of each. These level tests or surveys, if properly carried out, are perfect for guaranteeing continuing education sessions in line with the real level and expectations of learners.

Approches interactives

This first step in designing a learning session is essential. Thanks to her, learning is not only a transfer of knowledge, but also an enriching and engaging experience.

2. Favour interactive approaches

It is sometimes difficult to maintaining learners' attention throughout a learning session continuous professional. To meet this challenge, the teaching team must strive to facilitate learning sessions using interactive methods. These are intended for maintaining the attention and motivation of participants.

Integrate numerous interactive activities

If the approach to the first learning session is very similar to the next, the monotony risk of negatively impacting learners. However, it is essential to achieve the learning objectives set previously. The trainer must therefore adapt his pedagogy and integrate a good dose of interactivity.

Formation en groupe

To do so, you can take advantage of these activities:

  • Role playing: They develop communication and empathy skills.
  • Case studies: Learners are more involved when they observe a match between theoretical content and its practical applications.
  • Simulations: Credible simulations promote the learning of skills during training sessions.
  • Group work: Perfect for increasing cohesion, increasing collaborative work skills and taking advantage of each other's qualities.

Use strategies to maintain attention

To avoid any drop in performance during a continuing education action, adapt your pedagogy. Instead of trying to combat fluctuations in concentration, arrange different times throughout the learning session. Do not hesitate to take regular breaks, organize debates, or vary the teaching formats. The idea is to break the monotony to maintain learners' interest until the end of the training.

Concentration des apprenants

Use diversified teaching formats

The dynamism of the world of vocational education can and should infuse your learning sessions to energize them in turn. In fact, a training platform modern can offer educational materials in various formats such as blog posts, the podcasts, the videos or the digital books. All of these formats are powerful levers for enriching the learning experience.

If interactivity is so important in a learning program, it's because it creates a motivating learning environment where skills are not only acquired, but also experienced and applied by the participants.

3. Leverage engaging techniques and technologies

Commitment is a key concept of vocational learning. The latter is important because it promotes long-term learning. The ideal way to maximize engagement is to reconciling the advantages of the physical and the virtual.

Selecting the right environment

Depending on the objectives of the learning, the learning location and the target audience, it may be best to opt for a physical, digital or mixed environment. In all cases, environments must be designed to increase the performance of learning actions. In a physical location, the premises must be pleasant, well-heated or air-conditioned and promote interactions. For distance learning, opt for a platform ergonomic and accessible, regardless of the level of technological mastery of the participants.

Boosting learner engagement

Organize sessions of learning often rhymes with animation. Even if the content of the learning is qualitative and adapted to the learners, their commitment can sometimes decrease. Boost momentum by organizing debates or brainstorming sessions. Leave no one behind and do everything to create an environment conducive to exchanges and the sharing of ideas. Encourage everyone to speak up and ask open-ended questions. Let's add that we suggest to the trainers of learn animation techniques may be a relevant idea.

Use innovative technologies

Harness the potential of new technologies to boost your learning session. Augmented reality, , online collaboration tools or mobile applications are all ways to design courses that are out of the ordinary. If carefully selected according to educational goals, these technologies have the ability to create strong public engagement and increase information retention

Maximize attendee attention and involvement by using all the physical or digital tools and technologies at your disposal, as long as their use is relevant.

4. Continuously assess and improve your sessions

amélioration des performance

Boosting a learning session is often a long term effort. To identify the right levers and optimize your learning plan, it is necessary to improve it little by little. That's where the comes in need for continuous evaluation.

Measuring the impact of training

Your first mission as a trainer or learning organization is to meet business goals. The content of the learning and the various sequences must therefore adapt to the learners and allow them to improve their skills. In order to verify that learners have actually succeeded in acquiring knowledge or improving their skills, measure the impact of learning through questionnaires or evaluations.

Leveraging user feedback

The quality and dynamism of the learning offer must be measured by evaluations, but also by direct feedback from learnerss Careful analysis of these testimonies is a good way to refine your method and understand what is not suitable for participants. You can then adjust your approach to become more relevant during the next learning session.

Conception d'une formation

Design a feedback system

Whatever the type of learning, the best thing is to offer a continuous and interactive feedback system. It allows you to gather valuable feedback throughout the training. Objective and honest feedback can be used to identify the least engaging elements of your learning sessions. This allows gain in responsiveness by making changes in real time.

Taking feedback into account is essential to ensure that your organizational and teaching methods are as dynamic and evolving as the learning sessions.

Planning, engagement, stimulation and feedback

To boost a learning session, you must carefully prepare the learning as well as use animation techniques or collect user feedback. Each of the steps builds an enriching and memorable educational experience.

Edflex can help you in this process! Our platform offers a vast library of resources sourced from premium quality editors and offered in various formats. Employees can then benefit from a innovative and interactive online learning where personalization and engagement are omnipresent.

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Et vous vous demandez...

Pourquoi les entreprises ont tout intérêt à investir dans la formation des salariés ?
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Le premier avantage de la formation continue, tant pour les salariés que l’entreprise, est bien sûr l’acquisition de nouvelles compétences ou l’approfondissement des connaissances. En fonction de l’expérience professionnelle du salarié et de ses désirs d’évolution professionnelle, différents types de formation peuvent être proposés pour garantir son employabilité. La formation continue fait partie intégrante du projet professionnel de chaque salarié. Répondre aux besoins de formation des salariés, avec des sessions de perfectionnement ou d’actualisation des savoirs, permet également d’améliorer leur satisfaction au travail et de les fidéliser. En fin de formation, il peut d’ailleurs être intéressant d’envoyer un questionnaire de satisfaction pour continuer à améliorer votre offre de formation. De plus, du point de vue de l’entreprise, les formations dispensées répondent à un enjeu de productivité et d’innovation continue.
Quels sont les avantages de la formation à distance ?
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Pour les salariés, suivre une formation en ligne présente de nombreux avantages par rapport au présentiel. Cela permet une plus grande accessibilité et plus de flexibilité pour pouvoir se former à tout moment, en fonction de son planning. Avec un catalogue de formation en ligne, l’employé a accès à plusieurs sessions de formation, sur un grand nombre de thématiques. Il peut ainsi s’organiser comme il le souhaite selon son projet de formation. La formation en ligne représente un gain de temps considérable, tant pour le salarié qui y a accès en quelques clics, que pour l’entreprise puisque la mise en place est bien plus simple. Ce format est également plus rentable : l’entreprise évite les frais liés à l’organisation de la formation en présentiel. De plus, proposer des formations en ligne permet de suivre plus facilement les performances des employés. La plupart des plateformes de formation proposent des tableaux de bord permettant de voir à quelles étapes de la formation en est le salarié, les temps passés sur les sessions, les thématiques préférées, etc. Les modules de formation en ligne permettent ainsi de répondre de manière efficace, rapide et flexible à l’obsolescence des compétences.
Quelles sont les solutions de financement de la formation professionnelle pour les entreprises ?
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La formation professionnelle en entreprise est incontournable, mais elle représente un certain coût. Il existe notamment des contributions obligatoires, comme la contribution à la formation professionnelle du Compte Personnel de Formation, ainsi que des frais annexes à prendre en compte (personnel, outils…). Ces coûts sont moindres en optant pour l’organisation de sessions en ligne. Pour vous aider à financer les projets professionnels de vos employés, vous pouvez recourir aux OPCO. Les Opérateurs de compétences permettent, sous certaines conditions, de financer et de mettre en place des actions de formation pour les entreprises et leurs collaborateurs, notamment le Plan de développement des compétences.
Quels sont les différents types de formation ?
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Dans le vaste univers de la formation professionnelle, on entend souvent parler de formation certifiante, qualifiante ou diplômante. Quelles sont les différences ? Les formations diplômantes permettent d’obtenir un diplôme d’État. Il s’agit de formations de longue durée qui permettent d’acquérir des connaissances approfondies sur un secteur. Elles sont accessibles à tous les actifs : salariés en reconversion ou demandeurs d’emploi. Les formations certifiantes permettent d’obtenir une certification reconnue par les entreprises. Elles sont généralement de courte ou moyenne durée et permettent de se former à un métier. Elles débouchent sur l’obtention d’un titre professionnel inscrit au RNCP. Enfin, les formations qualifiantes s’adressent aux salariés : elles ont une finalité professionnelle immédiate. De courte durée et flexibles, elles permettent d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences, de se perfectionner ou d’actualiser des connaissances. L’objectif est généralement de répondre à des besoins immédiats de l’entreprise ou à un projet d’évolution professionnelle du salarié.
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