v1: resources
{{cta-offers-v2=” /cta "}}
Building the future of training
Discover our Budget Trends, AI Disruption and Digital Learning Insights' analysis from Fosways' annual report
Construire le futur de la formation
On vous guide dans la manière de concevoir et d'innover dans votre offre de formation.
prompts learning clé-en-main
Quand l'IA rentre au service formation, voilà le résultat !
Testez 3 prompts prêts à l'emploi et créez vos propres modèles.
Accédez aux prompts
Formation à la cybersécurité
74% des violations de données sont dues au facteur humain !
Explorez les solutions pour former et sensibiliser vos salariés à ces risques.
Accédez au webinaire
Engagez vos apprenants pendant l’été
Notre co-fondateur vous partage le mode d’emploi ultime pour animer votre offre de formation pendant les périodes les plus creuses de votre activité.
Regarder le webinaire
{{cta-guide-collaborator-journey=” /cta "}}
The 9 key stages of the employee journey
The advice of 7 HR actors to take care of your employees from A to Z.
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2023 training trends
The evolution of learners' uses revealed through key figures.
{{cta-optimization-training-expenses=” /cta "}}
10 best practices on the training budget
A sheet co-created with 360Learning and Unow to optimize your expenses.
{{cta-marketer-your-training-offer=” /cta "}}
Market your training in 8 steps
How to create innovative communication to promote your training courses?
{{cta-key-stepses-annual-interview=” /cta "}}
How do you conduct your annual interviews?
An evaluation grid and a list of questions to follow for your teams.
{{cta-competency-referential=” /cta "}}
100 skills to master before 2030
Discover the essential skills of today and tomorrow for your teams.
{{cta-top-50-open-education=” /cta "}}
The top 50 best open education content
Find the top 50 best open education sources to learn at a lower cost
{{cta-guide-recap-rddl-3=” /cta "}}
RDDL summary guide #3
Find the training trends discussed by 18 experts gathered for the event!
{{cta-transformer-training-business=” /cta "}}
Transform your company's training!
Discover training trends to transform your offering step by step.
{{cta-training-strategy=” /cta "}}
5 inspiring training strategies
Find key ways to change your strategy.
{{cta-king-formation=” /cta "}}
ROI of training
Discover how to better choose your KPIs to measure the performance of your online training courses.
{{cta-learner-engagement =” /cta "}}
Learner engagement
Discover how to engage your learners through communication and coaching.
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Content curation: a response to the evolution of training?
Discover how content curation meets new training challenges.
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Top 100 essential skills
Explore Edflex's 100 most popular skills through the experience of 850,000 users.
{{cta-calendar-rh-2024=” /cta "}}
HR calendar 2024
Find the key events and dates for your 2024 HR strategy.
Google Maps Learning
Découvrez le nouveau phénomène qui a mis fin au concept de "Netflix Learning" dans un webinaire exclusif.
Regarder le replay
v2: commercial
{{cta-customers=” /cta "}}
Our customers testify
Discover these companies that have decided to train their employees on a daily basis.
{{cta-training-expenses-guide=” /cta "}}
Optimize your training expenses
A sheet of 10 best practices co-created with the experts 360Learning and Unow
{{cta-demo-edflex=” /cta "}}
Our teams are available
A question about your training or about our solution? Our teams are there to answer you.
Make an appointment
Offer a unique learning experience
Contact us to learn more about Edflex, the complete solution for learning in your organization.
Contact us
{{cta-edflex-prime=” /cta "}}
The best of online training
Aggregate the best training content, from acculturation to specialization.
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The best of digital learning
Aggregate the best learning content, from acculturation to specialization.
{{cta-calculator-roi=” /cta "}}
ROI calculator
Learn how to optimize your
training budget
v3: alternative
{{cta-resources-podcasts=” /cta "}}
Learning Club, the training podcast
Stories from exceptional guests in just 30 minutes.
{{cta-rddl-2023=” /cta "}}
The Return of Digital Learning
Relive the experience with the testimony of +18 experts on training trends.
See the replays
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Training budget: doing more with less
With 360Learning and Unow, a look back at the best practices of the training budget.
{{cta-oen-2023=” /cta "}}
Relive the Open Education Night
Access the YouTube replay of this exceptional event in the training world.
Watch the replay
v4 : small
Perspective d'évolution : le nouveau moteur d’engagement pour les salariés ?
Lire l'article
Gérez avec agilité vos demandes de formation après vos entretiens annuels
Le saviez-vous ? 46% des collaborateurs se forment pour se préparer à l'évolution des métiers
Téléchargez l'étude
Webinaire : D
éveloppez les compétences
de vos collaborateurs pour faire
évoluer vos talents
Accédez au replay